Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to boot yahoo messengers

Since one of my friends asked me about this more than once. i decided to blog it.
yahoo messenger booting is very simple. as the elite would call them as
script kiddies stuffs.

This information is for educational purpose only.

things you need to have in order to boot yahoo users.
1.) a dummy yahoo I.D, the more the better as you need them when you will be booting a user.
2.) a yahoo booter. make sure you always have a working booter program.
follow this link to download http://forums.nsfive.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=2fefa198cfd701a3ada81e02cab9459d&topic=130.msg282#new

NOte: make sure you are registered in the forum to download the file.

Once you have the file all you need to do is
1.) login to your dummy yahoo ID using the booter
2.) Input the yahoo ID of the Victim in the Victim textbox
3.) click on the Boot or DC button. depends on what kind of booter you are using.
BOOM..the user is booted from chat.

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