Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Windows Vista Bugs. that is why windows 7 will be better

Vista Bugs Report

We also asked Microsoft to release SP2 to fix all those bugs:

SP1 Failed to Fix Several Windows Vista Bugs, Do We Need SP2?

And today we are very pleased to say that Microsoft listened to us and fixed almost all the reported bugs in Windows 7.

Following are the bugs which have been fixed in Windows 7 but are still there in Windows Vista SP2:

* [BUG] New Windows Vista Bug Found in Desktop Icon Settings Window
* [BUG] New Windows Vista Bug Found in Creating New Shortcut
* New File Renaming Bug Found in Windows Vista, Server 2008
* [BUG] Windows Vista MMC Customize Dialog Box Close Button Bug
(They have disabled the Close button permanently)
* [BUG] Windows Vista Explorer Statusbar Doesnt Show File Size Information in Drives Root
(Now Statusbar no longer shows the file size)
* Control Panel -> Programs and Features Task Band Goof-up in Windows Vista
(I'm very happy to see it fixed in 7)
* Taskbar Bug in Windows Vista
* IE7 Goof-up in More/Less Information Button
* Folder List and Favorite Links in Navigation Pane Bug in Windows Vista
* Classic Startmenu Log Off Command Confirmation Bug in Windows Vista
(Classic startmenu has been removed)
* Favorite Links Area in Browse Dialog Box Bug in Windows Vista
* Folder and Search Options Bug in Windows Vista
* Statusbar Bug in Windows Vista Explorer
* Interesting Facts, Bugs and Goof-ups in Windows Vista
(Look at Point 7 in Bugs & Goof-ups, its fixed now)

So it proves that Microsoft has really worked hard in the development of Windows 7 and now you are not supposed to say that Microsoft never listens.

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