Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wall Mounted Water Cooled Desktop PC - Do It Yourself by HAKTECH

 Water Cooled Wall-mounted PC project
A few Months ago, at Haktech LABS. we build this wall-mounted water-cooled PC.
if you check our you-tube channel you can see the build process, starting from scratch.

The solution we put in the water-tank is 10% Coolant (Car Coolant) and 90% Distilled Water. its been running for 5 months now. and its very good..

Installed windows 10 on this machine, playing games, producing music using FL studio and editing and mastering tracks for upload at DJ MarkwOrm Channel and profile and software development. and when the machine is not in used. the two GPU cards will mine ETC (Ethereum Clasic Coin) Mining the coin while still can. Everybody knows the future is Cryptocurrency. :) 

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