Thursday, January 1, 2009

rel=nofollow is dead?

I was thinking is rel=nofollow dead?. the dea cam up to my mind thinking that it is no more working..anyway i have bumped up with this 11 reasons against nofollow and why we should not
use them.

11 Reasons against nofollow

  1. nofollow does not prevent comment spam
  2. nofollow is confusingly named
  3. nofollow harms the connections between web sites
  4. nofollow is not useful for humans, just for search engines using PageRank or a similar technique
  5. nofollow could be used to shut web sites out
  6. nofollow discriminates legitimate users as spammers
  7. nofollow heists commentators’ earned attention
  8. nofollow could be used to further discriminate weblogs<
  9. nofollow prevents the Web from being a web
  10. nofollow eliminates the dissemination of free speech
  11. nofollow was developed in privacy with only search engines companies taking part in the discussion
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