Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Haktech: Trojan Prevention Tips

These steps will help you find, prevent, and remove Trojan on your PC.

Step 1: Obtain Windows Security updates
Install the latest critical updates from Microsoft to secure your PC. Regularly use Windows Update to help prevent the contraction of future viruses.


 Go to IE > Tools > Windows Update > Product Updates, and install ALL High-Priority Security Updates listed.

Open IE and go to Internet Options > Security > Internet, then press "Default Level", then OK. Now press "Custom Level."

Step 2: Install a good anti-spyware software

New Trojan files are created and released often, and without an anti-spyware software, the files and folders on the PC are at risk. Listed below is a safe and easy Trojan removal.

Download SpyHunter's Malware Scanner Download SpyHunter's Malware Scanner
check out haktech for downloads

*SpyHunter's malware scanner is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To run the removal tool, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Step 3: Update your anti-spyware software definitions

Do the following to update Trojan and other spyware definitions:

1. Open the anti-spyware software.
2. Click buttons or menu items that read, "Update" or "Update Now".
3. An update window should open. Click on the "Update" or "Update Now".

Step 4: Scan for Spyware

Scan for Trojan and other spyware by opening the anti-spyware software and clicking the "Start Scan" button. Once the anti-spyware program has completed the scan, checkmark the spyware you wish to remove, and then click on the "Start Remove" button to get rid of spyware.


Gary Wright said...

Thanks a lot for sharing some tips with regards to this stuff. Glad that I am able to run over on this page.

Application development said...

The best way to avoid the virus is to visit the sites you can trust and to have a good updated antivirus.


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